Orthogonal Polynomials in the Problems of Digital Information Processing

Orthogonal Polynomials in the Problems of Digital Information Processing by Yaroslav Pyanylo 1,* , Valentyna Sobko 1 , Halyna Pyanylo 1 , Oksana Pyanylo 2 1 Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lviv, 79060, Ukraine2 CodeTiburon, Kharkiv, Ukraine * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Journal of Engineering …

CANClassify: Automated Decoding and Labeling of CAN Bus Signals

CANClassify: Automated Decoding and Labeling of CAN Bus Signals by Paul Ngo 1,* , Jonathan Sprinkle 2 , Rahul Bhadani 3 1 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA, 947042 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 372123 The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 85721 * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Journal of Engineering Research …

Acceleration of Image Processing with SHA-3 (Keccak) Algorithm
using FPGA

Acceleration of Image Processing with SHA-3 (Keccak) Algorithm using FPGA by Argyrios Sideris* , Theodora Sanida , Dimitris Tsiktsiris , Minas Dasygenis  Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, 50131, Greece * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 7, Page # …