- Open Access
- Article
Enhancing Python Code Embeddings: Fusion of Code2vec with Large Language Models
by Long H. Ngo
and Jonathan Rivalan
Smile France, Asnières-sur-Seine, 92600, France
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 1, Page # 1-7, 2025; DOI: 10.55708/js0401001
Keywords: Machine learning, Neural network, Large Language Model, Distributed representations, Code search
Received: 30 October 2024, Revised: 14 December 2024, Accepted: 15 December 2024, Published Online: 19 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology 2024 & Section Biochemical Research Methods (BRM))
APA Style
Ngo, L. H., & Rivalan, J. (2025). Enhancing Python code embeddings: Fusion of code2vec with large language models. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, 4(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.55708/js0401001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ngo, Long H., and Jonathan Rivalan. “Enhancing Python Code Embeddings: Fusion of Code2vec with Large Language Models.” Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences 4, no. 1 (2025): 1–7. https://doi.org/10.55708/js0401001.
IEEE Style
L. H. Ngo and J. Rivalan, “Enhancing Python code embeddings: Fusion of code2vec with large language models,” Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2025, doi: 10.55708/js0401001.
Automated code comprehension has recently become integral to software development. Neural networks, widely employed in natural language processing tasks, can capture the semantic meanings of language by representing it in vector form. Although programming code differs from natural language, we hypothesize that neural models can learn both the syntactic and semantic attributes inherent in code. This study presents an innovative approach to improve code representation and understanding for Python, building upon a previous work (code2vec extended with ASTminer). The novel method integrates embeddings from Large Language Models (LLMs) with code2vec vectors, aiming to align both semantic and syntactic information in code representations. We explore various fusion techniques, including simple concatenation, weighted sum, or attention-based mechanism, to combine LLM embeddings with code2vec vectors. We explore how semantic information from LLMs complements the structural information from code2vec, and discuss the potential impact of this synergy on software development practices. These findings open new directions for more accurate and adaptable code understanding models, with implications for improving documentation, code search, and overall software development efficiency.
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