- Open Access
- Article
Exploring Challenges in Software Testing: A Structuration Theory Perspective
by Dr Tefo Gordon Sekgweleo 1
, Dr Phathutshedzo Makovhololo 2
1 Eskom, Department, Research, Testing & Development, Johannesburg, 2095, South Africa
2 Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Informatics, University, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 12, Page # 1-13, 2024; DOI: 10.55708/js0312001
Keywords: Structuration Theory, Software testing, Software development, Software implementation, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Information Systems
Received: 30 October 2024, Revised: 23 November 2024, Accepted: 23 November 2024, Published Online: 20 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology 2024 & Section Biochemical Research Methods (BRM))
APA Style
Sekgweleo, T. G., & Makovhololo, P. (2024). Exploring challenges in software testing: A structuration theory perspective. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, 3(12), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.55708/js0312001
Chicago/Turabian Style
Sekgweleo, Tefo Gordon, and Phathutshedzo Makovhololo. “Exploring Challenges in Software Testing: A Structuration Theory Perspective.” Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences 3, no. 12 (2024): 1–13. https://doi.org/10.55708/js0312001.
IEEE Style
T. G. Sekgweleo and P. Makovhololo, “Exploring challenges in software testing: A structuration theory perspective,” Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 1–13, 2024, doi: 10.55708/js0312001.
Developing software is a huge job, which is why digital product teams rely on the software development life cycle (SDLC). SDLC is a critical framework for digital product teams, and software testing is its most vital component. Testing evaluates software components to identify properties of interest, detect defects, and ensure alignment with requirements. If not optimized, testing can be costly, and its omission or inadequate execution can lead to software failures, compromising business operations and reputation. This study explores the challenges of software testing, adopting an interpretivist approach with semi-structured data collection and analysis guided by Structuration theory’s duality of structure. The key findings are: (1) Software testing is crucial for delivering quality products and services, ensuring that software meets client requirements and is free from defects. (2) Effective communication and collaboration among agents, including software testers, developers, and project managers, are vital for successful software testing outcomes. (3) Power dynamics and decision-making processes significantly impact software testing outcomes, with project managers’ decisions often dominating software testers’ work. (4) Adhering to organizational processes and standards is essential for ensuring quality software delivery, preventing software testing from being bypassed or done hastily. (5) Legitimization of software testing practices is necessary for instilling social attachment and control among software testers, recognizing the importance of their role in delivering quality software. These findings highlight the significance of software testing in ensuring software quality and business continuity, emphasizing the need for effective communication, collaboration, and organizational processes to support software testers in their critical role.
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