- Open Access
- Article
Enhancing Mental Health Support in Engineering Education with Machine Learning and Eye-Tracking
by Yuexin Liu 1
, Amir Tofighi Zavareh 1
and Ben Zoghi 2
1 Department of Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, Texas A&M University, College Station, 77843, USA
2 2Lyle School of Engineering, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, 75205, USA
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 10, Page # 69-75, 2024; DOI: 10.55708/js0310007
Keywords: Mental Health, Philosophy of Engineering Education, Data Correlation, Factor Analysis, Machine Learning, Electrodermal Activity
Received: 16 December 2023, Revised: 02 March 2023, Accepted: 02 March 2023, Published Online: 30 January 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology 2024 & Section Biochemical Research Methods (BRM))
APA Style
Liu, Y., Zavareh, A. T., & Zoghi, B. (2024). Enhancing mental health support in engineering education with machine learning and eye-tracking. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, 3(10), 69-75. https://doi.org/10.55708/js0310007
Chicago/Turabian Style
Liu, Yuexin, Amir Tofighi Zavareh, and Ben Zoghi. “Enhancing Mental Health Support in Engineering Education with Machine Learning and Eye-Tracking.” Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences 3, no. 10 (2024): 69-75. https://doi.org/10.55708/js0310007.
IEEE Style
Y. Liu, A. T. Zavareh, and B. Zoghi, “Enhancing mental health support in engineering education with machine learning and eye-tracking,” Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 69-75, 2024, doi: 10.55708/js0310007.
Mental health concerns are increasingly prevalent among university students, particularly in engineering programs where academic demands are high. This study builds upon previous work aimed at improving mental health support for engineering students through the use of machine learning (ML) and eye-tracking technology. A framework was developed to monitor mental health by analyzing eye movements and physiological data to provide personalized support based on student behavior. In this extended study, baseline data were analyzed to explore the correlations between emotions and physiological biomarkers. Key findings indicate that emotions such as Anger and Fear are positively correlated with increased physical activity, while Sadness is associated with elevated respiratory rates. A strong positive correlation between Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and Happiness was also identified, indicating physiological markers linked to positive emotional states. Temporal patterns were observed, with heightened emotional tagging occurring more frequently in the evening. These findings deepen the understanding of how emotional states manifest through physiological changes, providing a foundation for enhancing real-time, personalized mental health interventions. The results contribute to a more comprehensive framework for supporting student well-being and academic performance within engineering education.
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