Volume 2, Issue 10
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This edition focuses on the critical topic of data security in our digital world. As internet use grows and more data is shared, protecting files, databases, accounts, and networks becomes crucial. Databases, often holding private information, are prime targets for hackers. The issue examines new ways to combat these threats and enhance data processing and storage safety. A featured research paper introduces an innovative approach to data security, using a special type of encryption for device authentication.
Front Cover
Publication Month: October 2023, Page(s): i – iÂ
Editorial Board
Publication Month: October 2023, Page(s): ii – ii
Publication Month: October 2023, Page(s): iii – iii
Table of Contents
Publication Month: October 2023, Page(s): iv – iv
Device Authentication using Homomorphic Encryption
Supriya Yadav, Gareth Howells
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 2(10), 1-8 (2023);
In the digital era, data security in files, databases, accounts, and networks is of utmost importance. Due to the sensitive, private, or protected information they contain, databases are a common target for cyber attacks. To assess threats to data and lower the risk involved with data processing and storage, data security is crucial. Therefore, it is necessary to find solutions to the data security problems. It has become crucial to be up-to-date on different encryption technologies and trends due to the internet’s growing sophistication and dependence on internet data transmission. It can help protect confidential information and sensitive data and enhance the security of the system. In this paper, we propose a homomorphic encryption-based device authentication method while safeguarding template data. Homomorphic encryption technology has the capability of computing on encrypted data, making it more difficult for attackers to get their hands on the original template. In this study, the CKKS technique was used, which supports the approximation of real or complex numbers.