Volume 1, Issue 10
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This issue encapsulates the breadth and significance of contemporary research across multiple disciplines. Studies span critical analyses of social policies rooted in historical contexts to pioneering advancements in cutting-edge technologies. Key areas explored include vehicle communication systems, high-speed wireless protocols, agricultural productivity assessment, medical robotics, high-temperature materials, smart physiotherapy, autonomous vehicle development, and efficient image processing techniques. Collectively, these works exemplify the power of rigorous academic inquiry to drive innovation, enhance existing methodologies, and generate new knowledge with profound real-world applications. By addressing complex societal challenges from interdisciplinary perspectives, this issue underscores the vital role of research in propelling sustainable progress and shaping a better future for all.
Front Cover
Publication Month: October 2022, Page(s): i – i
Editorial Board
Publication Month: October 2022, Page(s): ii – ii
Publication Month: October 2022, Page(s): iii – iv
Table of Contents
Publication Month: October 2022, Page(s): v – v
Reservations – as a Step of Social Democracy: Review of Dr. Ambedkar’s Principles
Mange Karan Ratanbhai
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 1-4 (2022);
The paper aims to highlight the key frameworks of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, his thoughts, philosophies, and goals behind the framing of the Indian constitution. Based on different theories and philosophies, the concept of the reservation system adopted by the Indian Constitution, and its relevance in today’s scenario is being portrayed. Dr. Ambedkar’s idea of a classless and casteless society is somewhat achieved but due to the undue advantages of the reservation system, the individuals are deprived of equality and equal opportunities. The rights of representation given to minors were for some time only but the parliament till today haven’t changed this system which is a curse in the economic and social development of the nation.
CANClassify: Automated Decoding and Labeling of CAN Bus Signals
Paul Ngo, Jonathan Sprinkle, Rahul Bhadani
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 5-12 (2022);
Controller Area Network (CAN) bus data is used on most vehicles today to report and communicate sensor data. However, this data is generally encoded and is not directly interpretable by simply viewing the raw data on the bus. However, it is possible to decode CAN bus data and reverse engineer the encodings by leveraging knowledge about how signals are encoded and using independently recorded ground-truth signal values for correlation. While methods exist to support the decoding of possible signals, these methods often require additional manual work to label the function of each signal. In this paper, we present CANClassify — a method that takes in raw CAN bus data, and automatically decodes and labels CAN bus signals, using a novel convolutional interpretation method to preprocess CAN messages. We evaluate CANClassify’s performance on a previously undecoded vehicle and confirm the encodings manually. We demonstrate performance comparable to the state of the art while also providing automated labeling. Examples and code are available at https://github.com/ngopaul/CANClassify.
An Approach for PAPR Reduction in OFDM System using RCF Technique
Juhi Singh
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 13-18 (2022);
OFDM is one of the important modulation techniques for wireless communication which is the advanced version of FDM. Now-a-days congestion networking is growing like AI, IoT, 5G etc. so there is a need of high data rate with low BER. For such a network there is requirement of high-speed secured data transmission that is multicarrier technique OFDM. This modulation technique is useful for current and future scenario. One of the major issue in OFDM is high PAPR and this is happened due to large amount of input data bits. High PAPR results in distortion in bands and power inefficiency using power amplifier. RCF is the technique used in this paper to reduce the PAPR and analyze the results with and without applying PAPR reduction technique. In this paper, after application of 4 clip and filter SNR is improved along with decrement of CCDF of PAPR which is desired.
Assessment of Village-wise Soil Nutrients and their Effect on Sugarcane Productivity in Western Maharashtra, India
Chhaya Narvekar, Madhuri Rao
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 19-25 (2022);
Soil fertility needs to be assessed to develop strategies for long-term agricultural productivity. A study has been undertaken at Shirol tehsil, Kolhapur district, Maharashtra state, India to evaluate the fertility status of soil using nutrient index approach. For the present study PH, organic carbon, and EC were chosen as potential markers of soil quality along with primary nutrient potash and phosphrous. Objectives of this research are i)To provide nutrient availability index, ii) To assess soil fertility status and sugarcane productivity in the study area. Based on the soil parameters analysis, it is found that the soil is fertile. Sugarcane is the most cultivated crop in this area and the productivity of sugarcane is observed to be higher in study area as compared to national productivity. The nutrient index values for PH, Organic carbon and Phosphorous were normal, EC was low, and Potash was high. It is also observed that all ten years of study potash is high. Productivity change as well as nutrient values change over a period of time tested with standard t- test approach.
Trajectory Correction Method of Motion Description Language of Vertebral Milling Robot based on Force Feedback
Wei Ding, Zhaoming Liu, Hongwei Wang, Long Cui
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 26-35 (2022);
In the real-time control procession of the vertebral milling robot, there are problems such as heavy workload of the operator, long working time, operational tremble and complicated procession. In order to solve the clinical practical basic problems such as avoiding excessive milling and force perception control of vertebral milling robot, this paper proposes a method of trajectory correction of motion description language of milling robot based on force feedback. The task of trajectory correction of the milling robot oriented to force feedback, on the basis of ensuring the atom relationship of motion description language, defines seven motion atoms for the function of avoiding excessive milling during the actual operation of the milling robot. A milling robot experimental system is built with a force feedback control handle and a milling robot. Experiments are carried out on the trajectory correction method of the milling robot based on the motion description language. The experimental results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this method. The innovation of this paper is reflected in the following two aspects. The use of force feedback to define and model motion description language atoms is an innovation, and the application of motion description language trajectory correction method to the field of vertebral milling robots is an application innovation.
Fractal Research to the Production of High-strength Materials
Seoryeong Choi, Eunsung Jekal
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 36-44 (2022);
SiC ceramics are excellent materials applied at high temperatures because of their lightweight, excellent high-temperature strength, and high thermal shock resistance. For better engineering properties, we made SiC with fractal lattices. Stress-strain behavior and modulus changes from room temperature to 1,250 oC were analyzed using LAMMPS S/W, a molecular dynamics program. As a result of this study, it was confirmed that the modulus of elasticity of SiC crystals changed in the range of about 475 GPa to 425 GPa as it increased from room temperature to 1,250 oC. The stress-displacement characteristics of SiC crystals, which could not be measured at a high temperature of 1,000 oC or higher, could be ensured.
IoT Based Smart Physiotherapy System: A Review
Adil Ali Saleem, Kainat Zafar, Muhammad Amjad Raza, Zahid Kareem, Mui-zzud-din, Hafeez Ur Rehman Siddiqui, Sandra Dudley
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 45-55 (2022);
During recent years, the increase in the ageing population, the ubiquity of chronic diseases in the world, and the development in technologies have resulted in high demand for efficient healthcare systems. Physical anomalies mostly caused by injury, disease, and ageing lead to limit the regular ability of people to move and function. Primary health care providers often refer patients to conservative regular exercises as the first stage of the remedial process. The exercises operated under trained supervision are effective, but it is not feasible to supervise each patient under the growing number of such cases. Smart Physiotherapy exercise is one of the most beneficial and need of the time. The proper and systematic execution of recommended exercises is required for effective home-based physiotherapy. This study aims at exploring recent investigations performed by researchers in this discipline and subsequently, provide a ground for new researchers to improve or bring innovation in the approach. Electronic databases were searched between 2015 and 2020 in addition the reference lists of the articles that meet the criteria were also searched. The outcome of this study indicates that there is no prolific application that automatically monitors and guides the patients in performing the right and systematic exercises advised by the physiotherapist.
The Current Trends of Deep Learning in Autonomous Vehicles: A Review
Raymond Ning Huang, Jing Ren, Hossam A. Gabbar
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 56-68 (2022);
Autonomous vehicles are the future of road traffic. In addition to improving safety and efficiency from reduced errors compared to conventional vehicles, autonomous vehicles can also be implemented in applications that may be inconvenient or dangerous to a human driver. To realize this vision, seven essential technologies need to be evolved and refined including path planning, computer vision, sensor fusion, data security, fault diagnosis, control, and lastly, communication and networking. The contributions and the novelty of this paper are: 1) provide a comprehensive review of the recent advances in using deep learning for autonomous vehicle research, 2) offer insights into several important aspects of this emerging area, and 3) identify five directions for future research. To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous work that provides similar reviews for autonomous vehicle design.
Fast Labeled Spanning Tree in Binary Irregular Graph Pyramids
Majid Banaeyan, Walter G. Kropatsch
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(10), 69-78 (2022);
Irregular Pyramids are powerful hierarchical structures in pattern recognition and image processing. They have high potential of parallel processing that makes them useful in processing of a huge amount of digital data generated every day. This paper presents a fast method for constructing an irregular pyramid over a binary image where the size of the images is more than 2000 in each of 2/3 dimensions. Selecting the contraction kernels (CKs) as the main task in constructing the pyramid is investigated. It is shown that the proposed fast labeled spanning tree (FLST) computes the equivalent contraction kernels (ECKs) in only two steps. To this purpose, first, edges of the corresponding neighborhood graph of the binary input image are classified. Second, by using a total order an efficient function is defined to select the CKs. By defining the redundant edges, further edge classification is performed to partition all the edges in each level of the pyramid. Finally, two important applications are presented : connected component labeling (CCL) and distance transform (DT) with lower parallel complexity 𝒪(𝑙𝑜𝑔(𝛿)) where the 𝛿 is the diameter of the largest connected component in the image.