Volume 1, Issue 6
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This issue presents a diverse array of six research studies that address pressing challenges across various domains. It encompasses a rigorous epidemiological analysis of the Ebola virus utilizing advanced statistical techniques, providing insights for mitigating outbreaks. Additionally, it evaluates radiation safety measures in healthcare facilities, ensuring compliance with international standards. The issue also explores the application of fuzzy matrix theory in decision-making processes for consumer preferences. Furthermore, it introduces a novel machine learning-based approach to error correction in quantum computing, enhancing reliability and scalability. It also proposes an innovative respiratory monitoring method using off-the-shelf devices for early detection of pulmonary abnormalities. Finally, it presents a robust blockchain-based framework for securing student records in educational institutions, bolstering data integrity and privacy. These studies exemplify the multidisciplinary nature of contemporary research endeavors and their potential to address critical issues and drive technological advancements.
Front Cover
Publication Month: June 2022, Page(s): i – iÂ
Editorial Board
Publication Month: June 2022, Page(s): ii – ii
Publication Month: June 2022, Page(s): iii – iv
Table of Contents
Publication Month: June 2022, Page(s): v – v
Factorial Analysis to Categories Spread and Effect of Ebola Virus from Various Countries
Venu Paritala, Harsha Thummala
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(6), 1-6 (2022);
The main objective of this research analyze and correlates the number of cases and death rates reported on the Ebola virus in many countries. Ebola virus is one of the most lethal diseases to infect humans. This approach Proceeding uses the Factorial analysis technique in the Ebola Virus dataset. This method takes the largest common variance from all criteria and combines it into a single score. The analysis is applied to reported and categorize the most effective way countries using the counts of cases and deaths. To this investigate get it, and communicate data in a way of graphic factual properties. The analytic results on the Ebola virus dataset are not accessible anywhere. The Analysis was done by R Studio.
Measurement of Ambient Ionizing Radiation Exposure in Operating Consoles of Radiation Modalities in Cancer Hospital NORIN Nawabshah, Pakistan
Muhammad Waqar, Touqir Ahmad Afridi, Quratulain Soomro, Abdul Salam Abbasi, Muhammad Shahban
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(6), 7-12 (2022);
Elevated exposure from background radiations and health hazards for radiation workers have recently grabbed the attention of researchers. This study targeted to measure the background radiation levels in the operating console areas radiation facilities of NORIN, Nawabshah Pakistan. Ten operating consoles of different treatment and diagnostic machines were surveyed using a calibrated RM1001-RD LAMSE radiation monitor for the period of one year periodically and AEDR was calculated using standard formulas. The organ doses were calculated using recommended occupancy and conversion factors. The highest point with increased AEDR was found to be the operating console of cobalt-60 teletherapy machine (0.876 ± 0.03 mSv/yr), while the lowest at the Digital Radiography operating console (0.730 ± 0.03 mSv/yr). The standard error ranged between 0.02-0.03 %. These findings affirm a statistically significant difference in T-test values at a level of significance of 5% (P<0.05). The testes received the maximum dose (0.718 mSv/yr) followed by bone-marrow (0.604 mSv/yr) at Co-60 Teletherapy operating console. Conclusion: Based on these results, it was deduced that radiation levels are well within the permissible radiation limit of 1.0 mSv/yr prescribed by the ICRP and hardly about 37% of UNSCEAR limit of 2.4 mSv/yr. Therefore, all radiation workers are radiologically safe in operating console areas because all radiation protection and regulatory protocols are strictly observed in the working environment. This study eliminates the undue anxiety about the hazardous nature of radiation in the radiation workers of cancer hospitals.
Fuzzy Matrix Theory based Decision Making for Machine Learning
Javaid Ahmad Shah
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(6), 13-20 (2022);
The Fuzzy set theory has numerous real-life applications in almost every field like artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, medical diagnosis etc. There are so many techniques used for solving decision-making problems given by various researchers from time to time. To be able to make consistent and correct choices is the essence of any decision process pervade with uncertainty. Fuzzy matrix theory plays an important role in scientific development under uncertain conditions. Nowadays there are huge varieties of mobile phones with varying features available in the market. Everyone wants to purchase such a mobile phone which has as many features as possible within it but under his/her budget. This has become an important issue in this modern era where everyone wants to have the most preferred mobile handsets for himself/herself as compared to others. So, in this paper, the Fuzzy matrix approach is used in a decision-making problem where a number of buyers can be able to choose their preferred mobile phones with varying features.
Machine-Learning based Decoding of Surface Code Syndromes in Quantum Error Correction
Debasmita Bhoumik, Pinaki Sen, Ritajit Majumdar, Susmita Sur-Kolay, Latesh Kumar KJ, Sundaraja Sitharama Iyengar
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(6), 21-35 (2022);
Errors in surface code have typically been decoded by Minimum Weight Perfect Matching (MWPM) bas -based Machine Learning (ML) techniques have been employed for this purpose, although how an ML decoder will behave in a more realistic asymmetric noise model has not been studied. In this article we (i) establish a methodology to formulate the surface code decoding problem as an ML classification problem, and (ii) propose a two-level (low and high) ML-based decoding scheme, where the first (low) level corrects errors on physical qubits and the second (high) level corrects any existing logical errors, for various noise models. Our results show that our proposed decoding method achieves ~10x and ~2x higher values of pseudo-threshold and threshold respectively, than for those with MWPM. We also empirically establish that usage of more sophisticated ML models with higher training/testing time, do not provide significant improvement in the decoder performance.
Identification of Basic Respiratory Patterns for Disease-related Symptoms Through a Microphone Device
Amol M Khatkhate, Varad Raut, Madhura Jadhav, Shreya Alva, Kalpesh Vichare, Ameya Nadkarni
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(6), 36-44 (2022);
The research in this paper focuses on the capture of respiratory patterns in real-time through a minor modification of an anti-snoring device that is readily available off the shelf or can be bought online and attaching a microphone to it. The audio pattern is recorded for the various lung conditions at different stages. The data recorded is generated in graphical form to understand the pattern. The setup for recording and generating data patterns is explained in the paper. The procedure for using the device and gathering data is mentioned in detail in this paper and sample raw data is presented for researchers. The purpose of this device is easy data collection and interpretation for self-diagnosis of the anomalies in the breathing pattern through audio data and display of the patterns in smartphone applications that can further be investigated by a physician.
Blockchain Based Framework for Securing Students’ Records
Omega Sarjiyus, Israel Isaiah
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(6), 45-54 (2022);
Right now, colleges, as focuses of exploration and development, coordinate in their cycles different advances that permit further developing administrations and cycles for their individuals. Among the inventive innovations is the Web of Things that permits getting information from the climate and individuals through various gadgets. Security of information on college grounds is expected to shield basic information and data from unapproved parties. One way of ensuring information is to apply the study of blockchain innovation to perform information encryption. There is a wide assortment of calculations utilized to encrypt information; however, this exploration centers around the SHA-256 encryption. Subsequently, this examination is pointed toward fostering a blockchain-based structure framework for getting understudies’ records. These outcomes lead to further developing cycles and settling on better choices that further develop the administrations accessible at the college. Blockchain innovation is otherwise called appropriated record innovation, and It permits members to get the settlement of exchanges, accomplish the exchange, and move resources for a minimal price. In this manner, an examination will be done on the blockchain empowered college framework for getting understudies’ records. The framework advancement philosophy taken on to improve this framework is the cascade procedure and Laravel for programming. Blockchain innovation can assist clients with putting away understudy records securely.