Volume 1, Issue 4
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This issue presents a diverse collection of 18 research papers spanning various disciplines, showcasing the breadth and depth of contemporary scholarship. From exploring acoustic monochromatic radiation and cybersecurity vulnerabilities to innovative approaches in e-learning and structural engineering, the papers delve into cutting-edge topics. Additionally, they cover areas such as materials science, agricultural science, political socialization, conveyor system design, bearing analysis, adaptive filtering, remote classroom interaction, fire detection algorithms, waste management through anaerobic digestion, human-computer interaction for older adults, power supply systems, heavy metal removal from water, multilevel inverter modulation techniques, and non-invasive blood pressure estimation using machine learning. This compilation underscores the multifaceted nature of research endeavors and the collaborative spirit driving scientific progress.
Front Cover
Publication Month: April 2022, Page(s): i – i
Editorial Board
Publication Month: April 2022, Page(s): ii – ii
Publication Month: April 2022, Page(s): iii – vi
Table of Contents
Publication Month: April 2022, Page(s): vii – viii
Resonant Radiation of Boundary with a Travelling Distribution of the Field
Vladimir Arabadzhi
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 1-8 (2022);
The problem of acoustic monochromatic radiation by boundary with a traveling distribution of phases of normal vibrational velocities is considered. It is shown that when the spatial frequency of the traveling phase of normal velocities approaches the wave number in the medium, the energy transfer from boundary into a “sliding” (with respect to the boundary) sound wave can resonantly increase to a value many times greater than the energy transfer from of the in-phase boundary, correspondingly, into the normal one (with respect to the boundary) sound wave at the same modules of amplitudes of vibrational velocities of boundary. In addition, the resonant energy transfer of the boundary into a “sliding” wave is the greater, the larger the wave dimensions of the radiating pattern on boundary. It is shown that when a similar traveling distribution of sound pressure (instead normal velocity) is specified at the boundary, there is no resonance. The influence of the curvature of the radiating boundary on the above phenomenon of resonant radiation was studied. It is shown that the resonant radiation of the boundary with given running phases of normal velocities generates a tangential (with respect to the boundary) constant in time radiation reaction force. It is shown that for the case of a linear chain of equidistant monopoles (or pulsing spheres separated from each other by medium) with a traveling phase (a traveling wave antenna) of their oscillatory velocities, the resonance does not appear.
An Overview of Cyber Security Considerations and Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructure Systems and Potential Automated Mitigation – A Review
Roberto Mazzolin, Asad Madni
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 9-21 (2022);
Executive leadership in government, military and industry are faced with many difficult challenges when trying to understand the complex interaction of public and government security policies, the vulnerabilities in the wide array of key technologies supporting critical infrastructure upon which society is vitally dependent, and the identification of key cyber security trends that will need to be considered in the future. This invited paper discusses public policy issues related to the threat environment and provides a comprehensive description of the various cyber vulnerabilities and risks arising from a broad range of technologies supporting critical infrastructure and highlights key requirements and design principles desired from next generation automated defence capabilities. This document provides a unique review of key aspects related to these separate but interrelated subject areas that will hopefully provide greater context, background and clarity for senior decision makers responsible for shaping development agendas for their organizations.
Effective Approach Experience for Practical Training using Web-Based Platforms and Tools in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Radoslav Hrischev
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 22-27 (2022);
This article is a result of the need to quickly and efficiently organize distance learning for students during the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Some e-learning opportunities provided by internet technologies, web-based platforms, online engineering tools are presented. Examples of training students in business information systems based on learning platforms and demo systems are presented, as well as the use of engineering tools for the design of production equipment on the websites of specialized companies. The common in these examples is the possibility of effective training without long preparation and additional expenses for the development of specialized learning platforms and simulators. The practical results of this non-standard approach to e-learning during a pandemic are also discussed.
Study on Stability Analysis of Rectangular Plates Section Using a Three-Dimensional Plate Theory with Polynomial Function
Festus Chukwudi Onyeka, Chidobere David Nwa-David, Thompson Edozie Okeke
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 28-37 (2022);
In this paper, a polynomial displacement function is developed to evaluate the stability of rectangular thick plate that is freely supported at the third edge and other three edges simply supported (SSFS). Employing three-dimensional (3-D) constitutive relations which consist of entire stress components, the functional for total potential energy was obtained. The governing equations plate was obtained through the variation of the 3-D theory of elasticity to get the slope and deflection relations. The solution of equilibrium equations gives an exact polynomial deflection and rotation function which was gotten after replacement of the variables of total potential energy while the solution of the governing equation gave the expression for the deflection coefficient of the plate. The direct variation method through deflection coefficient was applied to get the formula for calculation of the critical buckling load. Furthermore, the model followed strictly from the first principle of 3-D theory of elasticity without state of stress assumption through the thickness axis of the plate, so that it is able to eliminate the stress under-estimation problem from the approximation and 2-D refined plate theory approach, when the thickness becomes thicker. The result of the present study using the established 3-D model yields an exact solution which shows that it can be used with confidence in the stability analysis of any type of plate boundary condition.
A Review on the Effect of Varied Sand Types in Concrete at High Temperature
Samya Hachemi, Zine Elabidine Rahmouni
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 38-47 (2022);
In fact, aggregates in concrete generally occupied a considerable proportion of volume (60%-75%); sand constitutes about 30% to 50% of aggregates volume. It is well known that the nature of aggregates plays an important role on quality and properties of concrete. This suggests that the behavior of concrete exposed to high temperature is strongly linked to the nature and mineralogy of aggregates (coarse and fine aggregates). Furthermore, the description of the effect of high temperature on the components of concrete is intended to improve understanding of how concrete responds when it is exposed to elevated temperature. The fire performance of concrete depends on the thermal, physical and mechanical properties of its components. Sand can be classified into two groups according to its mineralogical nature: Siliceous and Calcareous, these two types of sand undergo different reactions when they are exposed to high temperature. Few studies have been published and showed that the nature of sand affects the concrete behavior at high temperature. This paper summaries the states-of-the-art studies on the mechanical and physical behavior of concrete made with different types of sand after being exposed to elevated temperature. It is revealed that the fire-response of concrete made with calcareous sand is different from that of concrete made with siliceous sand.
Evolutionary Learning of Fuzzy Rules and Application to Forecasting Environmental Impact on Plant Growth
Chris Nikolopoulos, Ryan Koralik1
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 48-53 (2022);
Prediction of plant growth and yield is one of the essential tasks that enables growers of food and agricultural products to effectively manage their crops. In this paper, a hybrid evolutionary/fuzzy machine learning approach is introduced where a genetic algorithm is deployed to learn the optimum membership functions of relevant fuzzy sets and a knowledge base of fuzzy rules. This hybrid approach is then used to build a model which determines how ozone and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere affect plant growth by predicting the basal width growth of a plant. The hybrid forecasting model was tested on a data set collected from soybean fields and proved to be an extremely accurate and robust fuzzy predictor. It was able to predict the basal width growth of the plant with an average of 0.19% relative absolute value error.
Factors Determining Political Socialization in Young People (A Case of Pakistani University Students)
Salita, Khoula Maryam
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 54-61 (2022);
This paper aims at determining the factors responsible for shaping as well as building political ideas and values. By conducting a survey in a Public University in Pakistan and filling of questionnaires by the respondents, results were obtained. Estimation results showed that Media and education emerged as the domineering factors significantly contributing in the political socialization process. Both variables were positive and significant at 1% level of significance. While, family and youth participation had a lesser contribution. As these variables were though positive but statistically significant at 10% level of significance. Thereby, in accordance with the results it has been suggested that influence of media and education be enhanced in a control environment to induce positive political attitudes.
Design and Analysis of Flat Belt Conveyor for Segregation of Defective Products
Yash Patil, Shivraj Patil, Suhas Gawade, Vaishnav Shinde, Samidha Jawade
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 62-67 (2022);
Belt conveyor system is mostly used in industries for transportation of raw materials and finished products. This paper includes study of detailed design procedure and analysis of flat belt conveyor components for light duty applications. Belt conveyors used for segregation of defective products up to 2 kg maximum load whose conveyor capacity is 2 TPH and speed of the conveyor will be 3.5 m/min. Our paper includes study of design calculation of conveyor and FEA analysis of pulley, shaft and conveyor belt. 3D model is created using solid work software. FEA is done on ANSYS and Inventor software with appropriate loading condition, considering calculated tension. Stress analysis of shaft, pulley and belt is done to find highest stressed area of belt conveyor. By following the design procedure for flat belt conveyor system, all geometrical parameters obtained are within limits and design of conveyor is safe. In FEA, contact status and contact pressure between belt and pulleys are properly sticky and in contact. Max stress acting on belt is 58.85 MPa and deformation will occur at 87.88 MPa. Stress on shaft comes out to be 13.17 MPa.
Modelling and Comparative Study for Deep Groove Ball Bearing Based on Structural Analysis using FE Simulation
Avinash Galande, Swanand Pachpore, Ashish Pawar
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 68-73 (2022);
A deep groove ball bearing is a rotary element designed for supporting a radial as well as axial load, low friction, and widely used due to little noise and vibration which supports high rotational speeds. In this article, the author carried out a structural analysis (using FE Simulation) of a single row deep groove ball bearing for estimating contact stress and total deformation for three grades of materials viz. Silicon Nitride (Si3N4), 440C Stainless Steel, and AISI 4140 Alloy Steel. Under the scope of the study, modeling is done using Autodesk Platform and analyzed using ANSYS as an FEA tool. The natural boundary conditions were applied to estimate the fatigue life of bearings under standard operating conditions. The obtained results indicate Silicon nitride material was found to be more significant amongst all materials taken for considerations.
System Identification of FIR Filters
Sudheesh Kannur Vasudeva Rao, Kiran, Naveen Kumar, Mahadevaswamy
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 74-80 (2022);
Identification of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters refer to finding out the coefficients also known as the weights of its transfer function. Adaptive filtering using Least Mean Square (LMS) Algorithm is used to find the estimated weights of the transfer function, using ATMEGA16 processor. This method can be used to find the coefficients of complex resistive circuits. This is done by constantly comparing the FIR system with Adaptive filter until the difference signal is zero, both the systems are fed with same input signals.
Methodology for Learning Mathematics Based on Collaborative Work with the Support of ICT Tools and Virtual Environments of the UCN Campus
Carlos Esteban Huerta Briones
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 81-86 (2022);
The article indicated basically showed the autonomous collaborative work of the students and no direct reference was made regarding the work in remote classroom, this time what is presented is a methodology of direct work of the teacher with the students during the teaching sessions, which last 60 minutes in times of pandemic, which allowed to establish more solid bases for both direct and indirect work of students from the point of view of their learning. The lecture sessions were developed following the following scheme: Active-participatory class, Collaborative Activity with the support of the teacher and Assistantship would complete. Regarding the evaluations and qualifications, these were carried out considering processes of direct feedback to the groups formed as indicated in. The evaluations were carried out through the Moodle-based platform of the UCN Virtual Campus, which considered, multiple choice questions, short answer and a development exercise.
Image Processing and Data Storage for Fire Alarm
Muhammad Zia ur Rahman, Saba Waseem, Sidra Riaz, Zainab Riaz, Aneeq Asif, Ayesha Saddiqa, Ali Asghar
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 87-92 (2022);
This paper explains the algorithm for fire alarm for the purpose of safety from any loss and property damage. Here, the designed algorithm is for the comparison of captured pictures. The purpose of comparison is to validate our results. In captured pictures, there may exist fire colour in pictures, which is the indication of fire in that specific area. Captured pictures are stored in folder and its path is stored in excel. We observed the indication of fired picture through fire alarm. When the fire is diminished, we used to reset button to stop the buzzer and to monitor the system again. The path of those pictures as well as the time and date of captured pictures will remain store in excel for later study of the failure of the system and also for the record purposes.
An Elaborate Breakdown of the Essentials of Biogas Production
Abdulhalim Musa Abubakar, Kiman Silas, Mohammed Modu Aji
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 93-118 (2022);
World search for ways to properly manage rural and urban waste generated on daily basis from domestic and industrial buildings, perhaps leads to the adoption of the anaerobic digestion (AD) systems. The system utilizes microorganisms such as viruses, fungi, helminths, bacteria and protozoa to degrade waste so as to generate useful by-products such as biogas, used in heating, lighting and as fuel. Research on ways to effectively generate biogas from different feedstock had been serious in recent years, especially the study of the process kinetics to maximize production. This review seeks to provide details on feedstock type, pretreatment, substrate degradation, biogas properties, biogas utilization and factors influencing its production. Conclusion is drawn, noting that maximum biogas yield can only be obtained if the production parameters are carefully selected. Pressure being among the factors affecting the microclimate of digesters, is often uncontrolled in most biogas production facilities being slightly above the atmospheric pressure. Recent findings shows that biogas/methane amounts is increased with decreased internal gas pressure and could be a new efficient and effective process control strategy together with pH and temperature. This work will equip researchers and biogas plant developers with the rudiments of the technology which will eliminate the lack of technological know-how often experienced in some realms; in order to breach the gap in production and create a balance between waste generation, recycle and reuse.
Human-Computer Interaction for Older Adults – a Literature Review on Technology Acceptance of eHealth Systems
Awais Ahmad, Peter Mozelius
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 119-126 (2022);
The population of older adults globally increased during the last couple of decades. Due to these demographic changes, the need for medical care has also significantly increased. Despite the age-related disabilities and chronic diseases, most older adults prefer independent living in their home environment. Technology-enhanced systems and eHealth applications seem to provide some promising solutions for older adults’ well-being and independent living. However, the adoption and acceptance of these applications for older adults are unclear and further research is needed in this area. This study was carried out as a literature review, to meet the aim of identifying and discussing important factors in the Human-computer interaction of eHealth for older adults. The overall research question for this study was: What are the critical factors to consider for an improved human-computer interaction in technology-enhanced health care systems for older adults? Findings indicate some important factors to address: personal integrity, trust, technology acceptance, accessibility of ICT and eHealth literacy. If the presented factors are considered and addressed, it would be easier to achieve the desired aim of independent living. The authors recommend a human-computer interaction that is older adults centred, with the involvement of older adults users in the design process. Proper education and training on the use of eHealth services are also of great importance. Finally, the technology-enhanced system should also provide good social and technological support to the users.
Determining the Parameters of the Sine-Wave Filter Factors Affecting Filtration Quality
Pustovetov Mikhail
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 127-136 (2022);
The paper deals with proposals for the procedure of selecting the parameters of the sine-wave filter in case of increased voltage frequency (400—600 Hz) on the output of frequency converter, which is an element of power supply system. Author describes in article the structure of the power supply system for an unmanned underwater vehicle, which contains a sine-wave filter connected to frequency converter output. The system’s simulator has a block structure. As blocks previously developed computer models of electrical devices (transformer, autonomous voltage inverter, L-shaped filter, rectifier) are used. The subject of sine-wave filter output voltage quality and contribution to this of input voltage’s modulation index is also described at 100—200 Hz.
Utilization of Date Tree Leaves Biomass for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Water
Kiman Silas, Aliyu B. Ngulde, and Habiba D. Mohammed
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 137-147 (2022);
Cadmium (Cd) is known to have adverse effects on the kidney, liver, bones and cardio-pulmonary system, this heavy metal is usually consumed from drinking water with higher Cd acceptable limits. In this study, Activated Carbon (AC) is produced from Date Tree Leaf (DTL) and impregnated with Zinc Oxide catalyst, where an adsorbent (ZnO/DTL) was developed and used in the adsorption of heavy metals from water samples from three areas of Maiduguri, Nigeria where there are reported kidney problems caused by Cd. The highest concentration of Cd from Dala Kwanan Osi is of Maiduguri (0.017 mg/l) is observed to be completely remove even less than the maximum permitted limits of 0.003 mg/l. The outcomes from SEM, EDXRF, FTIR spectra and XRD patterns revealed the characteristics of the adsorbents. Also, the isotherm study indicated that Langmuir isotherm supersedes (0.9684) the characteristics shown by Freundlich isotherm (0.8479) hence it is more suitable to explicate the correlation of experimental results. It is proven for the first time in Maiduguri, Nigeria that the DTL can now be considered as a waste-to-wealth commodity suitable for the cheap and simple means of removing Cd contamination and other heavy metals from borehole water.
MC-SPWM and MC-THIPWM Methods for Symmetric and Asymmetric Design of CHB-MLI: A Study
Jigneshkumar Patel, Vijay Sood
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 148-160 (2022);
Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters (CHB-MLI) are employed in a variety of medium/high power applications. These inverters are known to inject unwanted harmonics into the grid, which negatively affects the grid and connected loads. CHB-MLI topology can reduce many of these harmonics by producing multiple output voltage levels and improves the fundamental component using a suitable modulation technique. However, the CHB-MLI topology configuration requires multiple isolated input sources which must be balanced either with the modulation technique or with an additional method. This paper analyzes multi-carrier pulse width modulation (MC-PWM) techniques for CHB-MLIs. In this study, two basic configurations of CHB-MLI symmetrical and asymmetrical are reviewed, followed by their mathematical analysis. Also, this paper analyses multi-carrier based sinusoidal pulse width modulation (MC-SPWM) and multi-carrier based third-harmonic injected pulse width modulation (MC-THIPWM) techniques with phase-shifted (PS) and level-shifted (LS) carrier arrangements for the CHB-MLI. Moreover, a simulation study has been conducted using MATLAB Simulink to analyze the performance of MC-PWM techniques for the symmetrical and asymmetrical type CHB-MLIs. The 7-level and 9-level CHB-MLIs were evaluated for the stated MC-PWM techniques in terms of harmonics and fundamental components. In addition, discharging current of all input sources was checked to verify the ability of all MC-PWM techniques to balance all input sources.
An Extreme Learning Machine for Blood Pressure Waveform Estimation using the Photoplethysmography Signal
Gonzalo Tapia, Rodrigo Salas, Matías Salinas, Carolina Saavedra, Alejandro Veloz, Alexis Arriola, Steren Chabert, Antonio Glaría
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(4), 161-174 (2022);
Pressure (BP) waveform is a result of the response of the arteries to the blood ejectionproduced by tant indicator of the state of the cardiovascular system. Currently, its measurement is performed invasively in critically ill patients who need a continuous and real time monitoring of their treatment response, however, it is possible to measure the BP, continuously and non-invasively, in non-critical patients to detect, monitor and control possible hypertensive events. Nevertheless, current non-invasive techniques can cause discomfort in patients and they are not used in critically ill patients. Consequently, non-Invasive and minimally-Intrusive methodologies (nImI) are required to estimate BP and its waveform. In the current study, the performance of machine learning algorithms, specifically the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm, is evaluated to estimate both Blood Pressure and its waveform from the Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal and its first derivative’s (VPG) waveforms. A total of 15 healthy volunteers participated in this study. They performed two handgrips, which is isometric maneuver to induce controlled BP rises. The first handgrip is used to train ELM and the second handgrip is used to test the ELM. Our results show that there are high correlation performances (0.98) between the estimated and measured BP waveforms, and a relative error of 3.3 1.4%. An arterial volume-clamp at the middle finger is used as the gold-standard measurement. Meanwhile, BP extreme values estimations, Systolic BP (SBP) and Diastolic BP (DBP), are also performed. ELMs have a performance with an average RMSE of 5.9 ± 2.7 mmHG f and 4.8 ± 2.0 mmHg for DBP and, an average relative error of 5.0 ± 2.7% for SBP and 7.0 ± 4.0% for DBP.