An Overview of Solutions Regarding the Problems in Vocational and Technical Education - Example of Elazığ Province
by Ceyda Akıllı*
, İmam Bakır Arabacı, Engin Kırçıl
1 Fırat University, Educational Management, Institute of Educational Sciences, Elazığ, 23100, Turkey
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 3, Page # 19-27, 2022; DOI:10.55708/js0103003
Keywords: Solution Proposals, Technical Education, Vocational Education
Received: 19 January 2022, Revised: 27 February 2022, Accepted: 01 March 2022, Published Online: 17 March 2022
AMA Style
Akıllı C, Arabacı İB, Kırçıl E. An overview of solutions regarding the problems in vocational and technical education – example of Elazığ Province. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences. 2022;1(3):19-27. doi:10.55708/js0103003
Chicago/Turabian Style
Akıllı, Ceyda, İmam Bakır Arabacı, and Engin Kırçıl. “An Overview of Solutions Regarding the Problems in Vocational and Technical Education – Example of Elazığ Province.” Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences 1, no. 3 (2022): 19–27.
IEEE Style
C. Akıllı, İ. B. Arabacı, and E. Kırçıl, “An overview of solutions regarding the problems in vocational and technical education – example of Elazığ Province,” Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 19–27, 2022.
Vocational and technical education institutions help to train individuals in a well-equipped manner, increase their employability level, and provide workforce in areas that countries need. Vocational and technical education is of great importance in terms of ensuring the development of countries at the national and international level, training qualified intermediate staff and increasing employment opportunities. Despite the innovations and projects carried out in the vocational and technical education process; educators and students face many problems in the process. The aim of this research is to examine the solution proposals for the problems experienced in vocational and technical education institutions in terms of management, program and application. In the research, the situation analysis design, which is among the qualitative research methods, was used. Focus group interview technique was used in order to examine the subject discussed in the research in detail. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool. As a result of the research, the main solution to the problems experienced in the management dimension in vocational and technical education institutions is to establish an effective control mechanism, to strengthen the education-employment-production relationship, and to take deterrent measures for the implementation of the Vocational Education Law No. 3308. As a result of the research, solution suggestions for the problems experienced in the dimension of the curriculum in vocational education are to adapt to the new generation teaching methods and techniques, to offer internship opportunities to students abroad, and to have the qualified manpower needed by the domestic and national defense industry. Finally, solution suggestions for the problems experienced in the implementation phase in vocational and technical education institutions are to make school and field preferences in certain time periods during the student placement processes, to limit these processes and to allocate sufficient quotas to the relevant institutions.
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