Volume 1, Issue 2
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This issue presents five diverse papers exploring the latest technological advancements. The first paper introduces a novel sample manipulation technique to improve power quality monitoring in grids. The second proposes a distributed approach using Voronoi Diagrams and Genetic Algorithms to enhance coverage in IoT networks. The third examines the feasibility of utilizing TV White Spaces and High Altitude Platforms to bridge the rural broadband gap. The fourth outlines the development of a Unity-based game, Prakriti, to educate players on water conservation. The fifth investigates the suitability of overburden materials for foundation construction through geophysical surveys. Collectively, these studies showcase the breadth of modern technological research and its potential impact across power systems, telecommunications, gaming, and infrastructure development.
Front Cover
Publication Month: February 2022, Page(s): i – iÂ
Editorial Board
Publication Month: February 2022, Page(s): ii – ii
Publication Month: February 2022, Page(s): iii – iv
Table of Contents
Publication Month: February 2022, Page(s): v – v
Harmonic and Sequence Component Estimation by a Novel Method
Abinash Rath, Rumpa Saha
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(2), 1-9 (2022);
Power quality monitoring is one of the most important aspects of designing of compensators and other FACTS devices used in the power system. This paper aims at finding the power quality indices from the voltage and current samples of a harmonic polluted grid, by using a newly proposed sample manipulating technique. Here, all the harmonic components of voltage, current, active and reactive powers are estimated along with the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the grid voltage and current waveforms. All the estimations are done using the sample values of the grid voltage and current signals along with only one standard sinusoidal signal of the fundamental frequency where conventional methods require standard signals of all the harmonic frequencies. Hence, the requisite memory space for the proposed scheme is reduced. In addition to that, the rms values of the sequence components in an unbalanced grid is estimated using the sample shifting technique. The proposed techniques are been verified with MATLAB simulation results and a comparative analysis is presented. The proposed method is also verified upon the real-time data extracted from a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO).
Distributed Approach for the Indoor Deployment of Wireless Connected Objects by the Hybridization of the Voronoi Diagram and the Genetic Algorithm
Wajih Abdallah, Sami Mnasri, Thierry Val
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(2), 10-23 (2022);
IoT data collection networks have recently become one of the important research areas due to their fundamental role and wide application in many domains. The establishment of networks of objects is based essentially on the deployment of connected objects to process the collected data and transmit them to the various locations. Subsequently, a large number of nodes must be adequately deployed to achieve complete coverage. This manuscript introduces a distributed approach, which combines the Voronoi Diagram and the Genetic algorithm (VD-GA), to maximize the coverage of a region of interest. The Voronoi diagram is used to divide region into cells and generate initial solutions that present the positions of the deployed IoT objects. Then, a genetic algorithm is executed in parallel in several nodes to improve these positions. The developed VD-GA approach was evaluated on an experimental environment by prototyping on a real testbed utilizing M5StickC nodes equipped with ESP32 processor. The experiments show that the distributed approach provided better degree of coverage, RSSI, lifetime and number of neighboring objects than those given by the original algorithms in terms of the suggested distributed Genetic-Voronoi algorithm outperforms the centralized one in terms of speed of computing.
Bridging the Urban-Rural Broadband Connectivity Gap using 5G Enabled HAPs Communication Exploiting TVWS Spectrum
Habib M. Hussien, Konstantinos Katzis, Luzango P. Mfupe, Ephrem T. Bekele
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(2), 24-32 (2022);
As with previous generations of mobile cellular networks, rural regions are projected to face financial and technological challenges in deploying 5G services. At the time, researchers all around the world are investigating the feasibility of utilizing TV White Spaces (TVWS). TVWS is an underutilized/unused section of television spectrum that might be used as a low-cost alternative to typical licensed wired/wireless broadband networks, as well as to bridge the broadband service availability gap between rural and urban regions. A feasible alternative is to deliver TVWS services via High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) for many developed and developing nations to deliver broadband services to a large proportion of their rural and low-income populations. This article examines the advantages of utilizing TVWS spectrum from HAPs as well as the challenges connected with this type of communication architecture. This article examines the advantages of leveraging TVWS spectrum from HAPs as well as the challenges that come with this type of communication architecture. They distribute messages across a large region while monitoring and optimizing radio resource allocation, owing to their position in the sky and the centralized design of the communication system. The article assesses the performance of such a system using the IEEE 802.22 standard and the ITU-R P.452 free space path-loss model. Moreover, this article pointed out the main challenge of using TVWS spectrum from HAP system.
Prakriti: A Gamified Approach to Saving Water
Tathagata Bhattacharya, Xiaopu Peng, Ishita Joshi, Ting Cao, Jianzhou Mao, Xiao Qin
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(2), 33-40 (2022);
Prakriti is a Sanskrit word which signifies Mother Nature. Our game Prakriti is designed to educate people about how they can save water resources and contribute to freshwater resources. This is a multiplayer game designed to set a thrilling, challenging and dramatic effect on the players. The game consists of its formal and dramatic elements. We design the game in Unity 2D and every move is created to provide information about water-saving to the players. We playtest the game with many players and updated the game in three iterations. This feedback gives us a direction to improve the quality of the game. The game was assessed with many strong qualities such as a good aesthetic quality, good user interaction and supportive of providing information about saving water resources, and players also stated that this medium of learning about water resources through gaming was very satisfactory.
Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations for Subsoil Competence at a Proposed Hostel Site at Oba Nla, Akure Southwestern Nigeria
Festus Olusola Eebo, Abidakun Bayode Samuel, Gbenga Moses Olayanju
J. Engg. Res. & Sci. 1(2), 41-49 (2022);
A foundation study was carried out at a proposed Hostel site for the student of Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria with the aim of evaluating the competence of the overburden as foundation materials. Geophysical survey involving Electromagnetic method and magnetic method were conducted in conjunction with geotechnical tests in the study area. Electromagnetics and Magnetics data were acquired along the five traverses established across the study area with 20 m inter-traverse spacing and 5 m inter-station spacing. The geophysical results were interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively, and the results were presented as profiles and geomagnetic sections. From the results of the Very Low Electromagnetic survey conducted, several conductive zones possibly characterized by clayey materials were found to make up the overburden materials in the area. Characteristic magnetic anomalies in the area also revealed series of features at shallow depths identified to be fractures / fault at shallow depths with depth to bedrock varying between 2 m and 7 m. The presence of geologic features such as fracture and conductive clayey materials are likely going to pose a serious threat to engineering structure in the area. Geotechnical tests were carried out on soil samples from the study area and different geotechnical parameters analyzed include the natural moisture content, Atterberg Limits, unconfined compressive strength and shear strength. The specific gravity of the soils is within the range of 2.722 – 2.73 g/cm3, revealing materials of low water absorption capacity. However, the soils are highly plastic with the plastic limit ranging from 20.4 – 24.4% and a plasticity index range of 23.75 – 35.90%. In addition, the soils have shear strength within the range of 75 to 102 kPa and unconfined strength ranging from 150 to 203 kPa revealing stiff soils that are not suitable for shallow foundations. It was observed that the form of foundation suitable for infrastructural development in the study area is a properly designed deep foundation that can transfer load at grater depths.