Reservations – as a Step of Social Democracy: Review of Dr. Ambedkar’s Principles

Reservations – as a Step of Social Democracy: Review of Dr. Ambedkar’s Principles by Mange Karan Ratanbhai *  Law Student, Parul Institute of Law, Parul University, Vadodara, 390025, India * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 10, Page # 1-4, 2022; DOI: 10.55708/js0110001 Keywords: Reservation, …

Volume 1, Issue 10

Volume 1, Issue 10 Download Complete Issue This issue encapsulates the breadth and significance of contemporary research across multiple disciplines. Studies span critical analyses of social policies rooted in historical contexts to pioneering advancements in cutting-edge technologies. Key areas explored include vehicle communication systems, high-speed wireless protocols, agricultural productivity assessment, medical robotics, high-temperature materials, smart …

Volume 1, Issue 5

Volume 1, Issue 5 Download Complete Issue This issue presents a collection of 26 scholarly research endeavors that exemplify the breadth and depth of contemporary academic pursuits. Spanning diverse fields, these studies contribute valuable insights to domains such as nuclear reactor design, mental health assessment through machine learning, autonomous vehicle control, renewable energy integration, 5G …

Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology

Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology Download Complete Issue ABC Editorial Front Cover Publication Month: January 2022, Page(s): A1 – A1  Editorial Board Publication Month: January 2022, Page(s): B1 – B1 Editorial Publication Month: January 2022, Page(s): C1 – C1 Table of Contents Publication Month: January 2022, Page(s): D1 – D1 Articles Visual …

Volume 1, Issue 3

Volume 1, Issue 3 Download Complete Issue This issue encompasses a wide range of research efforts across various disciplines. It includes strategies to enhance efficiency in oil extraction processes, application of machine learning techniques to predict vital soil properties for agricultural optimization, qualitative studies proposing improvements to vocational and technical education systems, comparative analyses of …

Instructions for Authors

Contents Manuscript Submission Overview Types of Publications Manuscripts submitted to JENRS should neither be published previously nor be under consideration for publication in another journal. The main article types are as follows: Articles: Original research manuscripts. The journal considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial …